Deciding on a school is one of the most important decisions a family can make and we would be honored to partner with your family in your educational journey.
2024-2025 Tuition Rates
Registration Fee - $150 per family
Non-Refundable; due at the time of registration
Technology Fee - $125 per student
Non-Refundable; due at the time of registration
FACTS Payment Processing Fee
Paid via FACTS upon account setup
$50 per account for quarterly or monthly payment plans; $20 for semester (2 payment) plan;
Grades K-8 Tuition:
1st Child - $4,550.00
2nd Child - $7,085.00
3rd Child - $9,625.00
4th Child - $12,210.00
Non Parishioner
1st Child - $6,750.00
2nd Child - $9,595.00
3rd Child - $12,435.00
4th Child - $15,230.00
Pre-Kindergarten Tuition:
Pre-K 3 (5 Full Days) - $6,850.00
Pre-K 4 (5 Full Days) - $6,315.00
Tuition Discounts
Tuition is discounted by 2% if paid in full by June 30, 2024.
$150.00 discount per family on Pre-K tuition, if a sibling is enrolled in Grades K-8.
Click Here for: Bison Scholarship Fund
Pre-K and Kindergarten Eligibility
Children entering the pre-school program must be three years of age (Pre-K 3) or four years of age (Pre-K 4) by December 1st of the year in which they are enrolling.
Children entering kindergarten must be five years of age by December 1st of the year in which they are enrolling.
The following records are to be presented at the time of registration:
Birth certificate,
Baptismal record if applicable,
A non-refundable registration fee is required.
A physical examination is required when a student enters school for the first time.
Grades 1 - 8 Eligibility
New students, as well as, students transferring from another school to grades one to eight must provide all of the above information, pay the registration fee, and have a physical examination.
Academic records from their previous school and a placement test are required before they are accepted at St. Amelia School.
The following records are to be presented at the time of registration:
Birth certificate,
Baptismal record if applicable,
A non-refundable registration fee is required.​
A physical examination is required when a student enters school for the first time.