Special Education & Intervention Support
Special Education
Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Special Education is defined as: "Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability." Special education provides additional services, support, programs, specialized placements or environments to ensure that all students' educational needs are provided for so academic progress can be made. At SAS, we work with KTUFSD and related services providers in the areas of Speech/Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Vision/Hearing Services, etc. We also have a certified Special Education teacher who provides Resource Room services to some of our Special Education students.
Targeted Intervention
Knowing what services exist and how to access these services is important in helping our students succeed academically and socially. If you suspect that your child has difficulties in any area, start by discussing these concerns with the classroom teacher. This will prompt a referral to our IST committee. The IST (Intervention Support Team) here at SAS along with our administrators, teachers, and counselors will work with our families to identify ways to help a child experience greater success. An IST meeting is a problem-solving session in which the team, including parents, can discuss concerns, attempt to identify potential causes, develop potential ways to address the concerns, and then analyze the possible interventions. It is through this information exchange process that effective strategies and interventions can be suggested, tested, monitored and communicated with the Committee on Special Education if it is deemed additional Special Education services are needed.
Tier III Reading Intervention (Grade K-5)
The SRA Reading Intervention programs provide intensive, explicit and systematic instruction that help students use skills and processes to develop into fluent, independent, and highly skilled readers. These programs have a high rate of success because whatever is presented is taught, what is taught is actively practiced, and what is practiced is linked and applied to new learning.
SRA Reading Mastery
SRA Corrective Reading: Decoding A, B1, B2, & C
SRA Corrective Reading: Comprehension A, B1, B2, & C
Tier III Math Intervention (Grade 1-2)
Go Math Intensive Intervention!
Targeted towards students who need one-on-one or small group instruction to build foundational skills for grade level success, Go Math Intensive Intervention focuses on alternate teaching strategies and addresses students’ common misconceptions. Students “learn the math, talk the math, do the math, and check the math” through the use of Grab-and Go Differentiated Centers and Manipulative Kits.
Let's Work Together

Mrs. Elizabeth Finnegan
Director of Special Education

Mrs. Kristin Schmutzler
Reading Intervention